Fade Prevention with
UV Window Film
The Myth About
Ultraviolet Rays and Fading

One of the primary reasons consumers choose window film is for fade prevention. It’s easy to understand why with window film blocking over 99% of UVA and UVB. However, damaging UV rays account for less than half the causes of fading. The other half is equally attributable to visible light and solar energy …HEAT! The good news is UV window film addresses all three.
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Window Film is Like
SPF Sunscreen for your Windows

Blocking out over 99% of harmful UV rays is a great start, but for superior fade prevention, let us take control of the other contributing factors. Blocking visible light is pretty much like wearing sunglasses: the darker the shades, the more light that is blocked. Fade control window film comes in varying shades that can block up to 95% of visible light. Blocking solar energy is a little harder. UV window film accomplishes this by a combination of reflecting and absorbing the heat so it does not transfer in your home or building. These three features of UV window tinting make a powerful combination that can reduce the causes of fading by up to 85%.
While no fade control window film can totally eliminate fading, the degree of protection you obtain is closely tied to the type of film you select.
What Causes Fading…
As a Rule of Thumb

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